mercredi 18 août 2010

Do lesbian women date FTM, Transmale, transguy ?

For the dummies:

  • Lesbian are women dating women
  • Bisexual women are women dating women or men
  • Straight women are women dating male
  • Sexual orientation can change during one individual lifetime...
FTM, Female to Male Transsexual, can be :
  • male trapped in a woman body who choose to transition (Testosterone and surgeries) to make their body getting closer as they can of the body of a biomale...
  • or butches which have been put under pressure by the queer community or the medical system to go for this transition from female to male

This video is interesting but it based on a misconception. Yes some women previously called "lesbians" may date FTM. But, once they have done it, they become "bisexual". Period.

Frankly, it really looks like those women were "bisexual in the closet" so let's thanks all the FTM helping the lesbian community to identify those bisexual women ;o)...

The reason why those women choose to change their sexual orientation from lesbian to bisexual when dating a FTM may be:

  • they were already partnering with the FTM before the transition and stayed
  • they like FTM because it is a fashion, it is in...
  • they feel more secure to start exploring the other side of their bisexuality with FTM than with a bio male...

Note that once a lesbian has crossed the bridge to bisexuality thanks to FTM help, she may want to know bio male and so a lot of them leave their FTM partners for bio males...

Too bad ;)

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Any intelligent comments are welcome.

Please note the author is an activist for trans people rights so the author will not approve comments that include transphobic concepts and any form of transphobia...Note that transmales mentionned in this blog are all out as trans and all self-define themselves as transguy or FTM or transmale.

So this blog is not a forum for people (cis or trans) to express their transphobic grievances towards transguys.